
Welcome to the official home page of the Manx Music Festival (The Manx Competitive Music, Speech and Dance Festival to give it its full name) or “The Guild” as it is affectionately known on the Island.


2024 saw another successful festival and we are now working hard on the details for our 2025 festival!

Dates for next year:

Saturday 26th April to 3rd May 2025 inclusive

The 2025 syllabus is nearly ready and will be available in retail locations across the island shortly, We'll update this page and our Facebook page as soon as it is available. We'll also upload a .pdf copy of the syllabus to this website too.

Once the syllabus is out in the wild our online entries will be available via the Enter Now option on our website or by going to:

Manx Music Festival Online Entries


We're always looking for people to join us as volunteers to help us with the Festival. If you would like to come and help and become part of our great team do get in touch with the Festival Secretary, Sandra Loach by emailing manxguild@gmail.com 

The Isle of Man has very strong musical traditions and since 1892, when it was formed, The Guild through its competitive nature, has provided motivation to improve, initially for choirs, followed by solo singing and later to a wide range of music, spoken word and dance. The climax of the Festival occurs with the competition for the Cleveland, Ohio (USA) Manx Society’s Gold Medal, donated annually by this organisation and competed for by the three highest marked ladies and three highest marked men from across the special solo classes held during the week.

The Festival is a member of the British and International Federation of Festivals.


The Festival is held annually in April at the Villa Marina on Douglas promenade. To see the range and size of competitions check out our results section.


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